1.华南农业大学海洋学院,广东 广州 510642
2.华南农业大学中山创新中心,广东 中山 528400
3.江门市自然资源局,广东 江门 529000
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YANG Huirong,ZENG Zeqian,LIU Jianxin.Research progress of mangrove fishery carbon sink function and its impact[J].Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni,2023,62(02):10-16.
杨慧荣,曾泽乾,刘建新.红树林渔业碳汇功能及其影响研究进展[J].中山大学学报(自然科学版),2023,62(02):10-16. DOI: 10.13471/j.cnki.acta.snus.2022E072.
YANG Huirong,ZENG Zeqian,LIU Jianxin.Research progress of mangrove fishery carbon sink function and its impact[J].Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni,2023,62(02):10-16. DOI: 10.13471/j.cnki.acta.snus.2022E072.
Fishery carbon sink refers to the process and mechanism of using aquatic organisms in fishery production activities to absorb CO
dissolved in the atmosphere in the water body, and transfer the carbon converted into aquatic products out of the water body through harvesting or biodeposition to settle it on the bottom. Since the carbon absorbed by these aquatic organisms is reused or stored in this process, the ability of aquatic ecosystems to absorb and store atmospheric CO
is enhanced, which is of great significance for achieving “carbon neutrality”.This review systematically summaries the research progress of mangrove fishery carbon sink in recent years, describes the carbon cycle process of mangrove water ecosystem by analyzing the carbon sink function of mangrove aquatic organisms. Finally, the paper discusses the current situation and prospect of the industrial model formed on the basis of mangrove fishery carbon sink for further studying the material cycle and energy flow of mangrove ecosystem, improving the technology of fishery carbon sink and providing the theoretical basis to achieve carbon neutrality.
fishery carbon sinkcarbon sink functioncarbon sequestration capacitycarbon budget
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