1.中国能源建设集团广东省电力设计研究院有限公司,广东 广州 510663
2.中山大学环境科学与工程学院,广东 广州 510006
3.广东省环境污染控制与修复技术重点实验室,广东 广州 510006
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LIANG Huiling,YIN Shizhong,YANG Yongfei,et al.The effect of hydrochloric acidification conditioning on calorific value of sludge[J].Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni,2023,62(04):93-101.
梁慧玲,殷世忠,杨永飞等.盐酸酸化调理对污泥热值的影响[J].中山大学学报(自然科学版),2023,62(04):93-101. DOI: 10.13471/j.cnki.acta.snus.2022C018.
LIANG Huiling,YIN Shizhong,YANG Yongfei,et al.The effect of hydrochloric acidification conditioning on calorific value of sludge[J].Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni,2023,62(04):93-101. DOI: 10.13471/j.cnki.acta.snus.2022C018.
污泥焚烧作为污泥减容减量效果最好的方法,目前被广泛应用于燃煤发电厂以及垃圾焚烧厂的剩余污泥处理处置中。近年来污泥中无机组分含量普遍较高,需要向污泥中添加助燃物质进行掺烧,因此如何提升污泥中有机组分含量,成为降低污泥焚烧成本的关键问题。研究表明污泥的酸化调理,不仅可将污泥中含有的无机元素释放到液相中,从而使污泥中的有机成分富集,同时该方法具有成本低、操作简单等优点。本文通过对东莞石龙镇污水厂、江门文昌沙污水厂和汕尾西区污水厂的二沉池污泥进行盐酸的梯度酸化调理实验,探究污泥酸处理与污泥有机物含量、污泥热值之间的关系以及酸化调理导致的污泥无机元素的迁移情况。实验结果表明,经过盐酸酸化调理后3家污水厂对应二沉池干污泥的高位热值分别提升了4 106.7、3 118.5和 2669.7 kJ/kg,相较于调理之前分别提升了38.14%、35.06%和23.21%。
Sludge incineration, as the best practical way to practice the principle of sludge volume reduction, which is currently widely used in coal-fired power plants and waste incineration plants. Since the inorganic content in the sludge is generally in the high level in recent years, it is necessary to add combustion materials to the sludge for incineration to effectively utilize the sludge resources. How to improve the unit content in the sludge has become an important issue in reducing the cost of sludge incineration. Studies have shown that the acid leaching treatment of sludge can release the metal elements in the sludge into the liquid phase. In this paper, the relationship between sludge acid treatment, organic matter content and sludge calorific value of sludge and inorganic elements of sludge caused by acid modification was investigated through gradient acid modification experiments of hydrochloric acid in the sludge of the sewage plant in Dongguan town, the sewage plant in Jiangmen and the sewage plant in Shanwei.The experimental results showed that the acid modification of the sludge increased the calorific value of the dry sludge of the three sewage plants by 4 106.7, 3 118.5 and 2 669.7 kJ/kg, respectively, and the proportion of the original sludge increased by 38.14%, 35.06% and 23.21%, respectively.
sludge incinerationacid modificationsludge recycling
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