1.华南农业大学海洋学院 / 海洋生物资源保护与利用粤港联合实验室,广东 广州 510642
2.新疆畜牧科学院兽医研究所 / 新疆畜牧科学院动物临床医学研究中心,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830000
3.中山大学水生经济动物研究所 / 广东省水生经济动物良种繁育重点实验室,广东 广州 510275
4.华南农业大学中山创新中心,广东 中山 528400
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YANG Yan,XIA Jun,WANG Qing,et al.Effects of mstn on proliferation and differentiation of muscle cells and the expression of related genes in Epinephelus coioides[J].Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni,2022,61(04):41-48.
杨炎,夏俊,王庆等.斜带石斑鱼mstn对其肌肉细胞增殖分化及相关基因表达的影响[J].中山大学学报(自然科学版),2022,61(04):41-48. DOI: 10.13471/j.cnki.acta.snus.2021E031.
YANG Yan,XIA Jun,WANG Qing,et al.Effects of mstn on proliferation and differentiation of muscle cells and the expression of related genes in Epinephelus coioides[J].Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni,2022,61(04):41-48. DOI: 10.13471/j.cnki.acta.snus.2021E031.
Epinephelus coioides
是具有较高经济价值的海水鱼,如何促进石斑鱼生产性状改良一直是科学研究的重点之一。肌肉生长抑制素(mstn,myostatin)是调节肌肉生长的重要转化因子。本研究中,Mstn的亚细胞定位表明Mstn在斜带石斑鱼细胞质中呈点状分布。利用酶标仪测定被Mstn重组蛋白刺激肌肉原代细胞1~5 d后的
表达量的上升不存在显著性差异;当处理浓度为100和1 000 nmol/L时,
mRNA显著下降,当处理浓度为100和1 000 nmol/L时存在显著性差异。本研究揭示了Mstn定位于斜带石斑鱼GS细胞质;Mstn重组蛋白上调
Epinephelus coioides
is a marine fish with high economic value. How to improve the production characteristics of
E. coioides
has always been one of the focuses of scientific research. Myostatin(mstn) is an important transforming factor in regulating muscle growth. In this study, we investigated the effects of
on proliferation and differentiation of muscle cells and its related genes expression. The subcellular localization of Mstn showed that Mstn distributed in the cytoplasm of
E. coioides
. The
value of muscle primary cells stimulated by Mstn recombinant protein for 1-5 days was measured by enzyme labeling instrument. It was found that the growth of cells in the experimental group slowed down significantly, and the difference of cell activity further expanded with the increase of treatment time. Primary muscle cells were stimulated with Mstn recombinant protein. The effects of Mstn recombinant protein on
signal pathway and downstream related genes were detected by RT-qPCR. The results showed that the expression of
mRNA increased gradually with the increase of treatment concentration, and there was no significant difference in the expression of
; When the treatment concentrations were 100 and 1 000 nmol/L, there was a significant difference in p21; With the increase of treatment concentration, the expression of
mRNA decreased, but the downward trend of
mRNA was not significant.
mRNA decreased significantly, and there was a significant difference when the treatment concentration was 100 and 1 000 nmol/L. This study revealed that Mstn is localized in the cytoplasm of
E. coioides
GS; the recombinant Mstn protein up-regulates the expression of
, and down-regulates the expression of
to promote cell differentiation; at the same time, the recombinant Mstn protein can up-regulate the expression of
and inhibit the cell proliferation. The study verified the biological function of Mstn in the process of muscle development, and provided a theoretical foundation for the subsequent in-depth study of the effect of
on fish muscle development.
mstn斜带石斑鱼Epinephelus coioides肌肉表达分析
mstnEpinephelus coioidesmuscleexpression analysis
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