1.有害生物控制与资源利用国家重点实验室 / 中山大学生命科学学院,广东 广州510275
2.深圳市疾病预防控制中心,广东 深圳518055
3.深圳红树林保护基金会,广东 深圳518000
贾凤龙(1966年生),男;研究方向:昆虫分类、媒介昆虫防治;E-mail:lssjfl@ mail.sysu.edu.cn;贾凤龙,教授,博士生导师,发表研究论文200余篇,主编专著2部,参与专著18部。现任中国甲虫学会理事、广东省白蚁学会副理事长、广东省预防医学会媒介生物学及控制专业委员会委员、深圳市预防医学会病媒生物及控制学会副理事长。
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陈家慧,刘阳,谢恺琪等.土壤湿度对台湾铗蠓Forcipomyia taiwana(Shiraki)产卵与幼虫发育影响[J].中山大学学报(自然科学版),2021,60(04):12-18.
CHEN Jiahui,LIU Yang,XIE Kaiqi,et al.Effects of soil humidity on the oviposition and larval development of the Forcipomyia taiwana (Shiraki)[J].Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni,2021,60(04):12-18.
陈家慧,刘阳,谢恺琪等.土壤湿度对台湾铗蠓Forcipomyia taiwana(Shiraki)产卵与幼虫发育影响[J].中山大学学报(自然科学版),2021,60(04):12-18. DOI: 10.13471/j.cnki.acta.snus.2021E012.
CHEN Jiahui,LIU Yang,XIE Kaiqi,et al.Effects of soil humidity on the oviposition and larval development of the Forcipomyia taiwana (Shiraki)[J].Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni,2021,60(04):12-18. DOI: 10.13471/j.cnki.acta.snus.2021E012.
Forcipomyia taiwana
(Shiraki)成虫产卵及幼虫发育的影响。分析了野外草地土壤含水率与台湾铗蠓日刺叮总数之间的关系;研究了在温度为(25±2) ℃,空气相对湿度为(70±10)%,光周期为12L∶12D下设置土壤含水率0%~10%、10%~20%、20%~30%、30%~40%、40%~50%、50%~60%和60%~70%共7种土壤环境,土壤含水率对台湾铗蠓的产卵量、孵化率、幼虫成活率和化蛹率的影响;探究了土壤表面类型为裸露土壤、石卵、碎松树皮与加肥料土壤条件下台湾铗蠓的产卵量的差异。结果表明,土壤含水率、土壤表面类型对台湾铗蠓产卵影响极显著。野外10%左右的平均土壤含水率是台湾铗蠓孳生的最低含水率阈值,台湾铗蠓在含水率为30%~40%的裸露土壤上产卵量最高;在土壤表面类型为裸露土壤时产卵量最高。石卵、碎松树皮与加肥料土壤表面对雌蠓产卵具有负面的影响。土壤含水率对幼虫发育和化蛹影响均不显著。
This study conducted experiments on the effects of different soil water content and soil surface types on egg-laying and larval development of
Forcipomyia taiwana
(Shiraki). The relationship between soil water content of field grassland and the total number of durian bites of
F. taiwana
was analyzed. The effects of soil water content on the oviposition, hatching rate, larval survival rate and pupation rate of
F. taiwana
were studied under seven soil environments, including 0%-10%, 10%-20%, 20%-30%, 30%-40%, 40%-50%, 50%-60% and 60%-70%. The experiments were carried out under (25±2) ℃, (70±10)% relative humidity and 12L∶12 days photoperiod. The differences of spawning quantity of
F. taiwana
on four types of soil surface, bare soil, gravel, broken pine bark and fertilized soil, were studied. The results showed that soil water content and types of soil surface had significant effects on the oviposition of
F. taiwana
F. taiwana
laid the highest number of eggs on bare soil with water of 30%-40%. The amount of spawning was highest on bare soil surface. Gravel, broken pine bark and fertilized soil were negative to egg-laying of females. Soil water content had no significant effect on larval development and pupation.
台湾铗蠓Forcipomyia taiwana(Shiraki)土壤含水率土壤表面类型产卵选择
Forcipomyia taiwana(Shiraki)soil moisture contentsoil surface typesoviposition preferences
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