1.天琴计划”教育部重点实验室,中山大学天琴中心 & 物理与天文学院,天琴前沿科学中心, 国家航天局引力波研究中心,广东 珠海 519082
2.冲绳科学技术大学院大学, 日本 冲绳 951-8073
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ZHANG Jiandong,BAO Jiahui,HU Yiming,et al.Probing the nature of gravity and black hole with TianQin[J].Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni,2021,60(01):74-85.
张建东,包佳慧,胡一鸣等.利用天琴研究引力与黑洞本质[J].中山大学学报(自然科学版),2021,60(01):74-85. DOI: 10.13471/j.cnki.acta.snus.2020.11.09.2020B122.
ZHANG Jiandong,BAO Jiahui,HU Yiming,et al.Probing the nature of gravity and black hole with TianQin[J].Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni,2021,60(01):74-85. DOI: 10.13471/j.cnki.acta.snus.2020.11.09.2020B122.
An important objective of space borne gravitational wave detectors is using gravitational wave signals to probe the fundamental theories of physics. Specifically, it means the study of the nature of gravity and black holes. The former objective is to test whether the gravitational theory is general relativity or not, and the latter one is to test whether the detected compact obejcts radiating gravitational waves is the Kerr black hole predicted in general relativity. As a space borne gravitational wave detector, TianQin may detect a lot of signals from many different kinds of gravitational wave sources. Using these signals, we expect to probe the nature of gravity and black holes from all possible aspects. In this article, we will introduce the methods that TianQin would use to probe the nature of gravity and black holes, and analyze the expected detection accuracy of TianQin.
gravitational wavegeneral relativityblack hole
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