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任亚文, 曹卫东, 李影影. 金融企业网络视角下长三角城市群权力空间结构特征[J]. 中山大学学报(自然科学版)(中英文), 2019,58(2):68-76.
REN Yawen, CAO Weidong, LI Yingying. The structure features of urban power space in the Yangtze River Delta based on the network of financial enterprise organization[J]. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis SunYatseni, 2019,58(2):68-76.
任亚文, 曹卫东, 李影影. 金融企业网络视角下长三角城市群权力空间结构特征[J]. 中山大学学报(自然科学版)(中英文), 2019,58(2):68-76. DOI: 10.13471/j.cnki.acta.snus.2019.02.009.
REN Yawen, CAO Weidong, LI Yingying. The structure features of urban power space in the Yangtze River Delta based on the network of financial enterprise organization[J]. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis SunYatseni, 2019,58(2):68-76. DOI: 10.13471/j.cnki.acta.snus.2019.02.009.
城市群权力空间是个体城市在区域空间网络中的地位表现,即基于关联网络量化个体城市在区域内的控制范围和控制程度。立足于权力空间与空间生产理论,通过爬取长三角金融企业总部及其分支的名录数据,应用ArcGIS与UCINET构建其空间属性数据库,采用网络分析法对长三角城市群的权力空间结构特征进行研究。结果发现: ① 在控制力指数中,上海市达到120.72,其余25个城市除南京外均小于50;在中心性指数中,上海市达到0.263 2,南京、杭州和合肥分别为 0.132 4、0.098 8和0.044 1,城市间权力空间差距显著,完全形成了“中心-边缘”的权力空间结构且存在两极分化趋势; ② 权力空间的凝聚子群层次分明:浙皖两省与江苏省省内关联强度分别低于100和200,而上海与苏南地区关联强度则接近400;③ 中心性、控制力与凝聚子群的显著差异说明城市权力空间格局是资本要素流动下的非均衡形态,同时也是物质和制度空间生产的重要结果。以上揭示了城市群的空间生产过程中城市作为权力主体时刻进行着资本互动,金融资本的逐利倾向将城市权力在网络中的差异进一步扩大。
The power space of urban agglomeration is the status of individual cities in a regional spatial network
and the control scope and degree of control of individual cities within the region are quantified based on the associated network. According to the theory of power space and space production
crawled directory data of financial enterprise headquarters and their branches in the Yangtze River Delta region are used to construct spatial attribute database through ArcGIS and UCINET
and the power space structure of urban agglomeration by network analysis method. The results showed that: (1) The control index of Shanghai reached 120.72
and the remaining 25 cities showed less than 50 except Nanjing; the central index of Shanghai reached 0.263 2
and Nanjing
Hangzhou and Hefei were 0.132 4
0.098 8 and 0.044 1
respectively. The gap in power space between cities is significant
completely forming a “central-edge” power space structure and presenting a polarization trend. (2) The Condensed-Subgroups of the power space are clearly defined: the correlation strength between Zhejiang
Anhui provinces and Jiangsu Province is lower than 100 and 200
while the correlation strength between Shanghai and region of “SouthJiangsu Province” is close to 400. (3) The significant difference between centrality
control power and cohesive subgroups indicates that the spatial pattern of urban power is a non-equilibrium form under the flow of capital elements
and also an important result of the production of material and institutional space. The above reveals that in the process of spatial production of urban agglomerations
the city interacts as a power subject at the moment
and the profitseeking tendency of financial capital further expands the differences in urban power in the network.
financial enterprise networkpower spacespace-productionurban agglomerationthe Yangtze River Delta