XIONG Huiyuan, ZONG Zhijian, YU Zhi, et al. Automatic Extracting and Locating Checkerboard Corners MethodBased On Convex Hull[J]. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis SunYatseni, 2009,48(1):1-5.
XIONG Huiyuan, ZONG Zhijian, YU Zhi, et al. Automatic Extracting and Locating Checkerboard Corners MethodBased On Convex Hull[J]. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis SunYatseni, 2009,48(1):1-5.DOI:
By extracting checkerboard corners with Harris algorithm
a symmetry algorithm was proposed to identify the all inner-corners and eliminate outercorners and false corners of the checkerboard form primal corners muster. The method based on gray gradient was adopted for accurately extracting checkerboard corners. To distinguish the outer loop corners and automatic locate the corners form the corners muster of the checkerboard
a new method based on convex hull was presented
which can loop by loop recognize and sort all the corners. As a result
the image dots can be automatically matched with its corresponding physical dots
parameters of camera were automatically and accurately calibrated. Experiments shows the method has high precision and preferable robust
and is especially adapted for the automatic online camera calibration.